Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Feast day of the Precious Blood of Jesus: July 1st

A prayer that may be helpful during an adoration hour for the souls of our priests and clergy:

Precious Blood of Jesus prayer: O loving Jesus Christ, Whose mercy is endless, we adore Your Agonizing Heart which bears great pains and sorrows for the salvation of man; Divine Lamb of God, Son of God and Son of the Virgin Mary, God and Man. You who suffered sorrowfully for the love of mankind; Who in great fear and anguish sweated blood in the Garden of Gethsemane, we adore Your most Precious Blood and the sorrow in Your Agonizing Heart. We beg You for Your holy Church, the pope, the cardinals, bishops, clergy, and non-clergy who are under the shade of Your most Precious Blood; protection, peace and love, so that through the intercession of St. Michael and all the Archangels of heaven, we might conquer the Red Dragon. Amen.

Our Father*…Hail Mary*…Glory Be*…

God Bless

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