Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Relating Spy Wednesday to Spiritual Motherhood for Our Priests.

This is a wonderful idea (and connection to the Gospel) to apply within our devotion to Spiritual Motherhood for Priests from Fr Mark. It is not essential or attached to the conditions for the indulgence, however it's another opportunity to generate grace through our devotion as Spiritual Mothers for Priests.

"In reparation for the sins of priests and to obtain for them graces of conversion, deliverance from patterns of habitual sin, and fortitude in spiritual combat, you can fast, abstain, or offer some other mortification for priests every Wednesday. (Spy Wednesday was the day of Judas' plotting against Our Lord.)"

Here is a very good article explaining Spy Wednesday.

"What is so significant about "Spy Wednesday" is that it theologically reflects the daily struggles we all endure in order to accept a relationship with the Lord...We too in our lives are sometimes turned against Jesus's love through sinful and unloving activities."

As Spiritual Mothers we can offer our day on Wednesday in saying Yes to our Lord staying close to him during our day not betray him through our actions to others and transgressions. Offering Him our Yes through the day for the struggles that Priests encounter in their fidelity, for Priests to be courageous, for the struggles they endure in staying true to their Sacramental Vows, to always be faithful to their sacred calling and to be an example of the presence of Christ in the world today.

A Quote from Servant of God Fr John Hardon S.J founder of The Holy Trinity Apostolate. (Fr John Hardon's link has an excellent article on "The Value of Prayer and Sacrifice for Priests").

"Learn the art of reparation and then the very little things that bother you, the little trivia of human limitations around us, the little contradictions and disappointments, can all be gathered up and offered in reparation. They become the myrrh of life". We Spiritual Mothers can do this for Vocations and to strengthen the Priesthood on a Wednesday if we are able too.

Prayer for the Beatification and Canonization of Father John Hardon

He was a beautiful heroic example of a very holy Priest.

Almighty God, You gave Your servant,
Father John Anthony Hardon of the Society of Jesus,
the grace of consecration as a religious dedicated to the
apostolate and the grace of consecration as an ordained priest,
after the Heart of Your Divine Son, our Good Shepherd.

Through Father Hardon,
You provided for your Flock an extraordinary teacher of the faith.

You entrusted Father Hardon into the loving
care of the Blessed Virgin Mary
whose counsel, "Do whatever he tells you" (Jn 2:5)
he faithfully followed and whose intercession he unceasingly invoked.

If it be Your holy will, please grant the request I now make,
calling upon the help of Father Hardon,
so that his heroic sanctity may be recognized in the whole Church.

I ask this through Your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who
with You and the Holy Spirit, is one God forever and ever.


  1. Oh yes! My Godson, born on my birthday, was named John Anthony in honor of Fr. Hardon.

  2. How special to have a Godson born on your birthday!
    And such a blessing to be named after a wonderful priest as Fr Hardon was.
    I am so excited to know about Fr Hardon, I pray and hope that his process is followed and prayed for by many.
    God Bless

  3. Great post! May God grant you the grace to persevere in faithfulness to Him always! I especially appreciate Father Hardon's quote and the information on Spy Wednesday. Keep us the good work!
