Saturday, September 5, 2009

First Sunday of the Month reminder

One of the special inititives of this blog is to encourage mothers throughout the world to pray for vocations within their families in a similar way that the Mothers of Lu had many years before.

For those ladies who do not have any children, praying specifically for young relatives or for vocations from your parish or diocese would be very fitting.

To read the story of the Mothers of Lu published in the Adoration, Reparation and Spiritual Mother for Priests booklet, visit our posting, In Imitation of the Mother's of Lu.

The mothers in the small Italian town of Lu prayed for vocations in this way:

"Under the direction of their parish priest, Msgr. Alessandro Canora, they gathered every Tuesday for adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, asking the Lord for vocations. They received Holy Communion on the first Sunday of every month with the same intention. After Mass, all the mothers prayed a particular prayer together imploring for vocations to the priesthood.

Through the trusting prayer of these mothers and the openness of the other parents, an atmosphere of deep joy and Christian piety developed in the families, making it much easier for the children to recognize their vocations."

From this flowed an abundance of vocations, as the photo above shows, 'the labours called to the harvest' which was quite notable in it's day for such a very small village...323 vocations in fact, 152 priests (diocesan and religious), and 171 nuns belonging to 41 different congregations. As many as three or four vocations came from some of these families.

This week in our Priests in Focus, we are praying for three priests who are all brothers, please remember them in prayer!

Here at Spiritual Motherhood for Priests, we hope to create a 'virtual' online gathering of mothers. We have our Adoration list in the righthand sidebar for ladies to show our solidarity together in offering one hour adoration a month. If you wish to have your name added to that list, please email us

We encourage mothers to offer their Holy Communion for family vocations on the First Sunday of the Month (the day chosen by the Mothers of Lu.) As well as offering this prayer below at Mass which was first composed for the Mothers of Lu:

We look forward to joining with you all in prayer and adoration, in union in the Mystical Body of Christ, praying for vocations within our families, within our parish!


  1. Annie,
    Thanks for sharing the story of the mothers of Lu and for the prayer for vocations. As I have no children of my own, I will offer my Holy Hour this Sunday as well as Mass and Communion, for vocations in my parish.
    God Bless!

  2. I pray that prayer daily for my son. Reading the story of the the town of Lu really inspired me.

  3. Dear Karinann,
    Even though the Lord hasn't given you physical children He has inspired you to become a hidden spiritual mother for your parish what a beautiful blessing. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Dear Esther,
    The Mothers of Lu story was a big inspiration for us to start this blog. We are glad that it has inspired you also.
    God Bless
