Thursday, October 1, 2009

Indulgenced First Thursday

Before each First Thursday in the Year of the Priest, we remind others that the day is nearly upon us.

Here is the requirements for the lay person to obtain a Plenary and Partial indulgence for this day. These indulgences can be for ourselves or we can offer them for a holy soul in purgatory, to offer our indulgences for a departed priest is another way to show our deep gratitude for these special ministers of the Lord.

Steps for the lay faithful to receive a Plenary Indulgence for the First Thursday

Attend Holy Mass

Receive the Sacrament of Penance

(can be transferred to either weekend if confessional times are set then)

Pray for priests

(Check out our lefthand sidebar for many lovely prayers for priests.)

Pray for the intentions of the Holy Father

(Offering an Our Father and a Hail Mary for his intentions)

For the mind to be detached from any sin

Steps for the sick and elderly and those who cannot leave the home, to receive Plenary Indulgence

For the mind to be detached from any sin

With the intention of fulfilling as soon as possible the three usual conditions

(confession, Holy Mass, Pray for the intentions of the Holy Father)

Confidently offer the illnesses and hardships of their lives to God through Mary Queen of Apostles.

Recite duly approved prayers for the sanctification of priests

Obtaining a Partial Indulgence

The Partial Indulgence is granted to all the faithful every time they devoutly recite five Our Fathers, Hail Marys and Glorias, or another expressly approved prayer, in honour of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, to obtain that priests be preserved in purity and holiness of life.

Here is a prayer to the Sacred Heart for Priests written by St Therese of Lisieux:

(click open to enlarge)

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