Sunday, October 25, 2009

Priesthood Sunday in the USA

Just a reminder to the ladies in the US that the last Sunday in October is Priesthood Sunday.

So what is Priesthood Sunday?

"Priesthood Sunday, the thirtieth Sunday of Ordinary Time, is a special day set aside to honor the priesthood in the United States. It is a day to reflect upon and affirm the role of the priesthood in the life of the Church as a central one.

In the wake of the clergy sex abuse scandal, there has been concern that the image of all priests has been tainted by the actions of a few. Priesthood Sunday sends a message to all that the sins of a few do not reflect the innocent majority, and that the parish priest, as the instrument of Christ's ministry on earth, is loved and respected by those in the parish community.

This nationwide event is coordinated by the USA Council of Serra International. It is sponsored by the USA Council of Serra International and the Serra International Foundation. "

HT: Priest Sunday

What happens on Priesthood Sunday?

"The lay faithful of all parishes in the country develop their own special way of marking the day and honoring their parish priests both at Mass and other parish events, such as social celebrations and school activities.

Priesthood Sunday was designed to be an event led by the laity, but your parish priest can participate by talking about how he experienced and answered his own calling, the need for vocations to keep the priesthood vital, and about priests who have inspired him.

Priesthood Sunday will also offer an opportunity for priests and their parishioners to build a stronger working relationship for the future. Together, they can dialogue to take an honest look at the challenges of the future and how they can collaborate to meet those challenges as a united force. "

HT: Priest Sunday

This is a beautiful Church initiative. Think about it, we have Mothers Day, we have Fathers Day, to show our appreciation to those gave us life and love. Priests are our fathers also, our fathers in faith and they give us life and love through the sacraments of the Church, there is no deeper reality.

Here is what one Bishop had to say:

"Please join me on this special day, Priesthood Sunday, in praying for our priests, in praising God for their courage and their generosity. As your bishop I urge you to make your appreciation for your parish priest known. A simple note, a smile or a phone call to assure him of your loving care and gratitude for his presence in the life of your local church will go a long way to serve the greater good of our wonderful and growing Catholic Church."

-Bishop Joseph Gossman, Diocese of Raleigh

Here are some tips on how to celebrate this day and show your appreciation for your parish priest or local priests over at the Houston Vocations website.

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