Monday, December 7, 2009

New Seminarians in the Spotlight

Dear ladies, I will be changing the names of the seminarians in our Seminarian Spotlight every Monday after the first Sunday. Allowing posts for the First Thursday new Priests in Focus & the First Sundays posts to be seen and reflected on by SM viewers.

We will be leaving the new names up for one month in the hope that many prayers will be offered up for each of the men mentioned. Here is our new list shown in the top left side bar.

Daniel who is descerning a vocation to the priesthood.
Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary in Winona, Minnesota.
Seminarians from the diocese of St Paul – Minneapolis.
Peter Boutros
Jack Kazzi
Deacon Justin Darlow, to be ordained to the Diocesan Priesthood on the feast of The Immaculate Conception, Dec 8, 09.
Also, on the same day, Deacon Michael Grace will be ordained for the Diocese of Brisbane.
Br Paul Rowse to the Deaconate.
Matthew Kissig Borromeo Seminary in the Diocese of Cleveland.

Please pray a Glory Be for these young men, who are on their journey toward the greatest call of all, the priesthood.

 The Young men from the Diocese of St Paul & Minneapolis

From Pope Benedict’s address to Seminarians during his six-day trip to the US in 2008:

"The People of God look to you to be holy priests, on a daily journey of conversion, inspiring in others the desire to enter more deeply into the ecclesial life of believers.

I urge you to deepen your friendship with Jesus the Good Shepherd. Talk heart to heart with him. Reject any temptation to ostentation, careerism, or conceit. Strive for a pattern of life truly marked by charity, chastity and humility, in imitation of Christ, the Eternal High Priest, of whom you are to become living icons.

Dear seminarians, I pray for you daily. Remember that what counts before the Lord is to dwell in his love and to make his love shine forth for others".

In this address from Pope Benedict XVI, he mentions the qualities he sees as imperative to a seminarians spiritual and temporal life, for example; a daily journey of conversion, to strive for a pattern of life truly marked by charity, chastity and humility, in imitation of Christ, the Eternal High Priest, of whom you are to become living icons, etc, etc.
This gives us, Spiritual Mothers, a wonderful guide when offering our prayer intentions for seminarians - and priests. No one could have said it better, concise yet profound and beautiful. Let us pray for our Holy Father as well, as he continues to guide us forward in the true Church.

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