Monday, January 4, 2010

Quotes from Venerable 'Mama Margaret' Bosco

Venerable Mama Margaret is the beloved and holy mother of St John Bosco. The sanctity and holiness of St John Bosco was first nutured by a mother's prayer, a mother's example. In our Spritual Motherhood header we quote St Pope Pius X:

"Every vocation to the priesthood comes from the heart of God, but it goes through the heart of a mother!

Here below are some profound quotes from Mama Margaret to her son:

"John , you are now a priest; you will be saying Mass; so from henceforth you will be closer to Jesus. Remember that to begin to celebrate Mass means also to begin to suffer. You will not realise this immediately, but little by little you will see that what your mother has told you is the truth."

"When you came into the world I consecrated you to the Blessed Virgin Mary. When you began your studies, I inculcated this devotion in you. Now I want you to belong totally to her. Make your companions those who are devoted to Mary; and if you reach ordination, never cease to inculcate and spread this devotion."

"I have nothing to say regarding your vocation, except that you should do what God inspires you to do. Do not be concerned on my behalf. You owe me nothing. Never forget that I was born in poor circumstances, have lived in poverty all my life; and I am happy to die poor; and I say this seriously to you: if you every become wealthy, I shall never set foot on your doorstep."

"Dear John, you have taken the priestly habit and I am as happy as any mother could be. But never forget that it is not the habit that matters, but the effort to progress in virtue. If you ever come to have doubts about your vocation, be sure you never dishonour that priestly garb. Put it aside immediately. I would rather a poor peasant son than a priest who neglected his sacred calling".

We hope to share more of this beautiful example of spiritual motherhood in the year to come.

Zelie and Louis Martin, parents of St Therese

In the meantime here is a prayer that you may want to pop in your prayer book, for Mama Margaret's beatification ~ like St Therese's parents, Louis and Zelie Martin, it is wonderful to see now the efforts for canonization of parents who raised up tremendous saints in the Church. As Fr Pascal Chavez Villanueva said a few years back, "Let us give Don Bosco this present: making Mama Margaret known."


God our Father,we thank you for making Mamma Margareta strong and wise woman, a heroic mother and a wise educator. Give us the joy of seeing her raised to the honour of the altar so that all may imitate her way of holiness, lived as daily and humble service of her neighbor. Through her intercession grant us the grace we request with a trusting heart. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. That is a very beautiful posting. what a beautiful witness in the words of St John Boscos' mother.
