Sunday, February 21, 2010

iphones and Praying for Priests

Since changing over my mobile to an iphone, I have discovered many wonderful Catholic apps that have been a very solid support to me in my daily prayer life.

As a very busy Catholic homeschooling mother of six who has alot of difficulty remembering many things, the Calendar app (using alarms) has been my support in reminding me to stop for the angelus, divine mercy hour, things that I constantly forgot previously.

In my notebook app, I now keep records of all my current novenas and who I am praying for. Also, the intentions offered at Mass are now listed. My memory had gotten so bad that I would have to say in Mass, "Lord, remember all those I ought to be praying for and who I have promised to pray for, you know who they are." Though I felt God would understand, I really would have liked to have remembered ALL I promised to pray for.

I even have a note which I change weekly, called, "Priests in Focus" ~ there I write the names of the three priests I remember that week in particular in my different prayers for priests. I need this, otherwise I forget!

So I say again, it has been a real support for this weak head of mine and highly recommend this modern piece of technology for these good purposes.

ipieta iphone symbol

So what is my favourite Catholic app?

ipieta ~ the best by far. It is not expensive, $2.99 US and for that you receive the following:

Sacred Scripture ~ the whole Bible, old and new testament.

Calendar ~ Novus Ordo and when you click on an individual day, it gives you the Gospel reading.

Prayers ~ The most comprensive list of orthodox, traditional prayers ~ they are placed under subheadings (21) and you can click on a subheading, for eg: IHS Mass ~ this will take you to the prayers for the Mass, ones like St Ambrose's prayer before Mass. Each subheading has a lovely list of prayers, so many of my old favourites and so I am able to use this section alone for my morning and evening prayers.

Doctrine/Spirituality ~ This section is set out with subheadings:

~Saints: This has a list of the saints and a biography of their lives using many orthodox sources such as Butler's Lives of the Saints.

~Q&A Catechisms: The Baltimore Catechisms.

~Spirituality: This containts many of the great Catholic classics: Introduction to the Devote Life, Imitation of Christ, True Devotion, The Dialogue, Story of a Soul, Confession of St Patrick, Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius and more.

~Doctrine: St Thomas' Catechism and the Roman Catechism.

~ Ecumenical Councils: Councils Before Trent, Trent, Vatican I & II

~Summa Thologica: This subheading dedicated to St Thomas' books.

~ Papal: The encyclicals from Gregory XVI up until our current Holy Father.

~ Bible Commentaries: Haydock Bible Commentary, Catena Aurea: Matthew, Catena Aurea: Mark.

Settings ~ Where you can bookmark and other great features supporting you in getting the most out of this application.

ipieta opening image
This morning when I went to my iphone I discovered I had some updates for a few apps, one of them was for the ipieta. To my great delight I discovered that they had put in a new subheading in the prayers section, "For the Pope, Priests & Vocations" ~ previously it had only a couple of prayers for priests.

So under this new subheading there are 18 prayers. Below I have added them here.

Prayer for the Pope by Pope Leo XIII

Prayers for the Holy Father ~ Especially to be said after the Holy Rosary

(having trouble linking this one, but it comes from the Roman Missal)

Prayer for the Pope (in this link the prayer is in bold)

The Way of The Cross for Priests

Litany of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, Priest and Victim

Prayer for Priests by St Catherine of Siena

Prayer for Priests by St Therese of the Child Jesus

Prayer for Priests by St Therese of the Child Jesus 2

Prayer for Priests by St Therese of the Child Jesus 3

Prayer for Priests by St Charles Borromeo

Prayer for Priests

A Parish Priest's Prayer to Mary Most Holy (Congregation of the Clergy, 2002)

Daily Prayer for Priests (by Cardinal Cushing)

The Beautiful Hands of a Priest

Thanksgiving and Intercession for Priests

Consecration of Priests to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus (the 9th prayer down on this link)

Prayer to the Virgin Mary for Priests by Pope John Paul II

Prayer for Laborers for the Harvest by Pope John Paul II


  1. I'm positively loving Ipieta for my Ipod touch...and Ibreviary, too! It is truly wonderful when modern technology "catches up" with tradition!
