Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Ordination Anniversaries

We have received some gracious emails asking for special prayers for specific priests and deacons who are celebrating anniversaries during the Marian Month of May. I have listed their names in the side bar under our Wife and Mother Patroness - Blessed Anna Maria Taigi.
If you would be so kind as to go over and view their names and offer a special prayer to Our Heavenly Mother Mary for them I'm sure they would be very grateful.

Priests Anniversaries:

19th May, 2010.
Fr. John Rizzo, FSSP: 25th Anniversary.

22nd May, 2010.
  • Fr. Ken Webb, FSSP 6th Anniversary.

Ordinations to the Sacred Priesthood:

28th May 2010.
Friar John Derrick Yap, OFM
Friar William Lee, OFM
Friar Just Lim, OFM

22nd May

Rev. Peter Bauknecht, FSSP

Rev. Simon Harkins, FSSP

Rev. Garrick Huang, FSSP

Rev. Rhone Lillard, FSSP

Rev. John Rickert, FSSP

Rev. John Shannon, FSSP

Please pray for these priests and deacons at the foot of the Altar of Our Lord.

O Jesus, Eternal Priest;

keep all Your priests within the shelter of Your

Sacred Heart, where none may harm them.

Keep unstained their anointed hands

which daily touch Your Sacred Body.

Keep unsullied their lips purpled with Your Precious Blood.

Keep pure and unearthly their hearts sealed with the

sublime marks of Your glorious priesthood.

Let Your holy love surround them and shield them

from the world's contagion.

Bless their labours with abundant fruit,

and may the souls to whom they have ministered to

be their joy and consolation

and in Heaven their beautiful and everlasting crown.

O Mary, Queen of the clergy, pray for us;

obtain for us many holy priests.


Merry, Mary, Month of May!

“May the Mother of Jesus and our Mother, always smile on your spirit, obtaining for it, from her Most Holy Son, every heavenly blessing.”

-Saint Padre Pio-

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