Thursday, July 22, 2010

July: Precious Blood of Jesus - PIF & SS...

As July is the month dedicated to the Precious Blood of Jesus it may be a lovely offering to offer all our Masses for our clergy who bring us His precious blood when ever we go to recieve Him at Mass.

The Devotion of the Precious Blood

“The Devotion of the Precious Blood exists from the beginning of ages, since it was the first imparted to fallen man. We must thence infer that it ought to be a devotion widespread as the world. Is not everybody redeemed by the Precious Blood? Is it not to this Precious Blood that each of us owe our salvation? And if, hereafter, an everlasting crown rests upon our brow, will it not be the purchase of this Divine Blood?....The Sacred Heart has indeed loved us with a love of surpassing tenderness; and to that love we owe Its long suffering with us; and yet, neither the Sacred Heart nor the gaping wounds of Jesus have been our Redemption; that which has redeemed us – freed us from hell – is the Most Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. Since, therefore, our salvation is the fruit of that Blood, since to It we are indebted for Heaven, with its unfading joys, is it not just that we should, each and all, embrace Devotion to the Precious Blood, render It special worship, even daily homage? Because of the needs of the ‘people of God,’ there has been a surge of devotion to the Most Precious Blood. This devotion has become universal, and is often spoken of as the “Devotion of the Elect,” so fitting a title that seldom is a dissenting voice raised against it.”


Priest In Focus 

Here are the new names for our Priest in Focus & Seminarian Spotlight for this week. Please hold these men close to your heart in prayer.

We encourage ladies to offer an Ave for the priests mentioned in the PIF spot when visiting this site. You may wish to offer an Ave for these priests at any time in the week or if you are able to offer up a small sacrifice for them, this would be a wonderful blessing also; what ever you can do would be a appreciated.

We many never see the fruits of our prayers here in this world but we hope and pray that in the next God will reward any good that we have done.
You can also find the names of the priests during the week in the top right-hand side bar.

This weeks priests are:
Fr. S Casey
Fr B Winnett OFM
Fr L Foote OP
Fr B Healy MSC
Fr H  Nikel SVD 


 Seminarian Spotlight

Also we have new names for the Seminarian Spotlight spot this week they all come from 2nd year at St John Vianney Seminary in Wagga-Wagga NSW Australia:

Peter Haack
Almarvin Badival
Sean Byrnes  
Bob Francis Ejekwu
Michael Esteban

Generally we ask for each seminarian an offering of a Glory be... but as above please offer what you can, as any prayers or offerings would be a generous gift for them.

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