Thursday, December 2, 2010

PIF - For the First Week of Advent 2010 - Philip Johnson

I'm sure all our American readers have become aware of the plight of Philip Johnson a young seminarian from the Diocese of Raleigh who in October 2008 discovered he had a mass growing on his brain. In January the following year he was diagnosed with cancer.

"Bishop Burbidge stated that,
Philip is a powerful example of the faith and the trust we need to share in the sufferings of Christ"

Here is a link to Philips original story, please read it and share it with many others so we can unite our prayers for him and storm heaven for a miracle .

We are a little late bringing to your attention the beginning of the novena being said in honour of the Immaculate Conception, whom is the patroness of the Raleigh diocese. It is being offered for Philips illness, treatment and full recovery if the is the Holy Will of God. However any spiritual efforts offered for Philip through Our Lady's intercession will bless this heroic young seminarian, who has already touched the hearts of many through his example & courage.

Please keep Philip Johnson in your prayers all through this Advent season.

St Peregrine is the Patron Saint of Cancer sufferers, may he intercede for Philip and all those afflicted by the disease of cancer.

St. Peregrine Story

He was born in Forli, Italy around 1265. At the time, Forli was governed by the Pope as part of the Papal States. Peregrine grew up in a family which was actively involved in the opposition or anti-papal party. Forli was a stronghold of anti-papal party activism. Because of this anti-papal political activity, the city was under the church penalty of interdict. This meant that Mass and the Sacraments could not be celebrated in the city. St. Philip Benizi, the Prior General of the Servants of Mary was sent to Forli to preach the reconciliation of the city and the removal of the penalty. Young Peregrine was so intense in his political fervor that he heckled Philip during the preaching and at one point Peregrine struck St. Philip.

The moment of striking St. Philip seemed to drastically change Peregrine. He began to channel his energies into good works and eventually he joined the Servants of Mary and pronounced his vows in the Servite Priory in Siena, Italy. He was about 30 years old. Peregrine then returned to Forli, where he spent the rest of his life. The best information indicates that he was not a priest, but a choir brother, who undertook an apostolate among the people of Forli. He especially dedicated himself to the sick, the poor and the fringe people of society. He also imposed a special penance on himself-to stand whenever it was not necessary to sit. This led to varicose veins. The varicose veins deteriorated into an open, running sore on his leg. The open, running sore was diagnosed as cancer. The wound became so obvious, odorous and painful that the local surgeon scheduled surgery to amputate the leg.

Suddenly Peregrine was confronted with the ugliness and suffering of his own life. He had given himself to people in similar situations and then found he must lean on his own faith in the goodness of God. The night before the operation he prayed before the image of the crucified Christ in the priory chapter room. At the age of 60 he was challenged to carry a new and more difficult cross. His prayer led him into a deep trance-like sleep during which he envisioned the crucified Christ leaving the cross and touching his cancerous leg. When Peregrine awakened from the trance of prayer, he discovered the wound healed and the leg saved.

St. Peregrine lived 20 more years. He died on May 1, 1345 at the age of 80. He was canonized on December 27, 1726. He has been named the Patron Saint for those who suffer from cancer. The people of Forli chose him to be the Patron Saint of their city.
His feast day is celebrated on May 4.

St. Peregrine Prayer

You answered the divine call
With a ready spirit,
And forsook all the comforts of the world
To dedicate yourself to God
In the Order of His Most Holy Mother.

You laboured manfully
For the salvation of souls;
And in union with Jesus Crucified
You endured the most painful sufferings

With such patience
As to deserve to be
Healed miraculously
Of an incurable cancer
In your leg by a touch
Of his divine hand.

Obtain for me
The grace to answer

Every call of God
And to fulfill His Will
In all the events of life.

Enkindle in my heart
A consuming zeal
For the salvation of souls;
Deliver me from the infirmities
that afflict my body

(name your petition)

To cure Philip Johnson

from brain cancer, if that be God's Divine will.

Obtain for me

Perfect resignation to the sufferings
It may please God to send me,
So that, imitating our Crucified Savior
And His Sorrowful Mother,
I may merit eternal glory in heaven.


St. Peregrine, pray for me
And for all who invoke your aid.
(3 times)

God Bless.

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