Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Assumption and The Year of the Priest

The Assumption of Our Lady into Heaven

At the Holy Father's general audience on Wednesday the 12th of August, he drew two parallels between the Marian feast of The Assumption that we celebrate today and the Year of the Priesthood.

"The Fiat"

The Holy Father said that Mary's "Fiat" or "yes" ushered in the Incarnation, so too, "priests are called to bring Christ's saving love into the world." He went onto say, "Something truly extraordinary occurred: God made himself dependent on the freedom-- on the 'Yes'-- of one of his creatures."

The Almighty continues to ask priests, and all Christians, to carry out the work of his Church, the Pope said.

Pope Benedict reflected on the deep relationship, between the Virgin Mary and the priesthood, as he looked forward to the Solemnity of the Assumption, in this Year for Priests:

"My catechesis today is centred on Mary the Mother of priests. She looks upon them with special affection as her sons. Indeed, their mission is similar to hers; priests are called to bring forth Christ’s saving love into the world. On the cross, Jesus invites all believers, especially his closest disciples, to love and venerate Mary as their mother. Let us pray that all priests will make a special place for the Blessed Virgin in their lives, and seek her assistance daily as they bear witness to the Gospel of Jesus".

"The Curé d'Ars, who we think of this year especially - concluded Pope Benedict - loved to repeat that after Jesus Christ gave us everything he could give, he wanted to make us heirs of what was most precious to him, his holy mother".

Here is a beautiful prayer from Overheard in the Sacristy:


O Virgin Mary, we commend to you those who seek to follow your Son as priests.

You know the difficulties, struggles and obstacles they will face. Assist them to utter their "yes" to the Divine Call as you did at the invitation of the Angel.

Draw them near to your heart so they may understand. With you the joy and beauty that awaits when the Lord calls them into His intimacy.

Make them witnesses of His Love. Enable them to inspire the Church with their consecration. May your all powerful intercession touch the hearts of many that they respond to the Lod’s call.
Repeat to them in the depth of their hearts what you said to the waiters at Cana: "Do whatever Jesus asks."

We ask this in your Son’s name.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful prayer to our Sweet Mother for our priests.
    I will pray it every Saturday and every Feast of Our Lady.
    Thank you for posting it.
