Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Father Benedict Groeschel CFR 50th Anniversary video - Grassrooots films.

Fr Benedict Groeschel on Eucharistic Adoration: "Silence, reverence, gratitude, loving devotion can flood the soul if one is blessed to do this for an hour."

One of the commitments of the Spiritual Motherhood for Priests devotion is to offer one hour a month in Eucharistic Adoration for priests. This is just a suggestion for those ladies who already practice this devotion and any others who would like too; this month could you spare a prayer and moment with our Lord for Fr Groeschel (and the order he founded the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal; CFR'S) he has given Our Lord and His Church so much and been a tireless Shepard to His flock. Fr Groeschel who by the way took his name not from the famous St Benedict but from St Benedict Labre a homeless man in Italy that couldn't get accepted into any religious order and died on the steps of the church destitute. St Benedict Labre's influence certainly has been profound in Father’s, mission wouldn’t you say!

Happy Anniversary Fr Groeschel.


  1. Happy Anniversary Fr. Groeschel and thank you !
    I've learned so much from your books and talks about how to adore and love our Eucharistic Lord... God bless you for ever. I love you.
    I also love St. Benedict Joseph Labre, who certainly is a model for anyone who loves Eucharistic Adoration.
    A misfit in this world , he was a great friend of the Sweet Jesus in the Sacrament of Love.
    If ever in Rome, go to the Church of Santa Maria dei Monti where the saint is buried and pray. It's beautiful there.

  2. Thank you so much Zeliemum for the post about
    Fr. Benedict Groeschel

  3. We love Fr Groeschel too; we have watched him on EWTN for many years. We met some of the CFR's at WYD and then again this year at the SCENE Congress in Sydney. They are an awesome order and increasing quickly. We don't have to look too far to get an pure example of sanctity from Fr Greoschel - I believe.
    Doing the post was my pleasure Letizia I loved putting it together. May God continue to bless him and you!
