Monday, November 16, 2009

A Possible Call!! Lets pray for more vocations

With our new initiative Seminarian Spotlight we will be highlighting many different resources to encourage, inspire and inform about priestly vocations.

Learn to Discern!

Here is a noteworthy article recommending some do's and dont's when someone around you is discerning a vocation. It offers some interesting tips to encourage and support any young man in this process.

The Life!

"It was not you who chose Me, but I who
chose you"
(John 15:16)."


Let us pray for many young men to open their hearts to the Call of a priestly vocation, to trust in the will of God in their lives, to take courage and be generous.

Family Prayer for Vocations

O Divine Jesus, Who has taught us to pray to the Lord of the harvest that He send forth laborers into His harvest, be pleased to raise up many holy Priests and religious to work according to the intentions of Your Heart and to procure by their ministry the salvation of souls and the glory of Your Father. And if it should please You, O Lord to choose one such from our family kneeling before you at this moment, we thank You with all of our hearts on this earth and for all eternity.
Mary, Mother of Vocations.
Pray for us.


  1. I just love this blog! You offer so many useful prayers and information. God bless you in this wonderful service that you offer!

  2. We are very grateful and glad that you like this blog Anne.
    It is our desire to share as much as we can to make a difference for our priests and vocations to the priesthood through this blog, and through prayers. The Mother's of Lu did it, so I pray we can too.
