Thursday, January 14, 2010

New Priests in Focus for the Week

Every Thursday we change the three priests names for the Weekly Priests in Focus.

We are encouraging ladies to offer an Ave for the priests mentioned when visiting our site (You will see the above widget in the top righthand sidebar under our header) and also may wish to off an Ave for these priests any other time in the week that you may remember.

Of course you may also want to offer more than the Ave's, you may want to offer other prayers and sacrifices during the week for these particular priests, whatever you feel called to do, is a blessing.

This week's priests are:

Fr Leo Hynes, Bishop Joseph Grech, Fr Fewings

A list of the priests we have prayed for individually here are in the right hand sidebar down the bottom.

If you have any priests you wish to nominate to be added to the Priests in Focus please email us and we would more than happy to add that priest to our list.

Our Lady, Queen of the Apostles, bless us with holy, courageous priests!


  1. Dear Ladies,

    Thankyou for a valuable interactive resource that enables many of us to help the Church and each other by effective means.

    Thankyou for your sacrifices, your time, dedication and hard work.

    It is inspiring and truely appreciated.

    Thankyou and May God Bless you and meet all your needs.
