Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Seminarian Spotlight: New Seminarian list - An Australian Connection

Dear Ladies, We have a new list of young valiant men for you to pray for, make sacrifices for (if you can) and support. We have a list of young men all from Australia this time. If you look over in the left hand side bar and below you will see the new list of seminarians names.

Please pray a Glory Be for these young men, who are on their journey toward the greatest call of all, the priesthood.

Here we have a picture of the Seminarinas from Vianney Seminary from the Diocese of Wagga Wagga NSW Australia. Please keep them all in your prayers.

In this new list we will be offering prayers especially for the First Year Seminarinas from Vianney college and each new list I will include the next year up & so on.

First Year Seminarians at Vianney College Wagga Wagga NSW Australia:
*Dimitiris Bourlias
*Reece Beltrame
*Thomas Hunter
*Stefan Matuszek
*Peter Zielinski

And Also
Australian FSSP Seminarians:
*Damonn Sypher to be ordained Deacon 6th March 2010
*Paul Leung

From Pope Benedict’s address to Seminarians during his six-day trip to the US in 2008:

Dear seminarians, I pray for you daily. Remember that what counts before the Lord is to dwell in his love and to make his love shine forth for others".

"The People of God look to you to be holy priests, on a daily journey of conversion, inspiring in others the desire to enter more deeply into the ecclesial life of believers.

I urge you to deepen your friendship with Jesus the Good Shepherd. Talk heart to heart with him. Reject any temptation to ostentation, careerism, or conceit. Strive for a pattern of life truly marked by charity, chastity and humility, in imitation of Christ, the Eternal High Priest, of whom you are to become living icons.

If you know of any seminarians you would like to add please let us know so we can pray for them, drop us an email and we will gladly add them to our Seminarian Spotlight list.
We hope to generate many graces to strengthen these men for this courageous journey they have been called to follow.
Yes, they have many role models in the saints to take strength from; many great examples of priests who have lived out holy self sacrificing priestly ministries who may have inspired them in thier call; but these men called need us to maternally pray for them, to help get them through this heavenly path to the priesthood.

Please offer a Glory Be for each of these men mentioned throught out your day and if possible through your rosaries!

O Jesus, Eternal High Priest,
I offer You through Your Immaculate Mother Mary,
Your own Precious Blood, in all the Masses throughout the world, as petition for graces for all seminarians, Your future priests, especially for......
Give them humility, meekness, prudence, and a burning zeal for souls. Fill their hearts with the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Teach them to know and love the Church, that they may always and everywhere speak, act, and think with her, the glorious spouse of Christ.
Teach them generosity and detachment from wordly goods; but above all, teach them to know You and to love the One and Only Eternal Priest. Good Shepherd of Souls, hear this my prayer for saintly priests.

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